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The Goal of This Website
Physics can be an intimidating topic for many, but it doesn’t have to. In fact, once you actually start learning it, physics can be breathtakingly beautiful. After all, we’re talking about understanding the universe we exist in.
All that is really needed for understanding physics (or at least beginning to learn it) is someone pointing you in the right direction and giving you the correct tools. That’s what this site is all about.
The purpose of Profound Physics is to create an all-encompassing internet resource that covers everything you’d possibly want to know about physics.
I know that’s an ambitious goal, but it’s my long-term vision of what I want to do with this website.
My aim here is to create helpful content and resources particularly for self-studying science enthusiasts, but also for anyone else that just wants to learn physics.
Everything covered on this site is meant to be explained as intuitively as possible, but without reducing the content value. In my opinion, prioritizing intuition and deep understanding should not take away from the depth of the content itself.
That being said, most of the articles here will include a fair bit of mathematics, which is where this site differs from the regular “pop science” out there. Math is, after all, the one true language of the universe.
However, this should not discourage you, because to truly understand physics profoundly, you really just can’t avoid math. Besides, the aim of this site is to first and foremost give you the intuitive understanding and then back that up with mathematical tools.
Intuition and deep understanding of the underlying physical principles should always be prioritized before rigorous mathematics, but the math is how we model those principles.
What You’ll Find On This Site
There are really two main things you’ll find on this site:
- Physics-related articles: These will be published directly on this site and my aim of them is to give you free comprehensive resources on various topics in physics (and math). You’ll find all articles here. You’ll also find PDF versions of some of the articles here.
- Full self-study resources, such as courses to help you take your understanding to the next level. My aim with these is to give you a complete, step-by-step resource covering a particular topic all in one place. You’ll find all resources here.
About Ville Hirvonen
I’m the founder and currently the only author here at Profound Physics.
I’m a science enthusiast living in Finland and I’ve been self-studying physics for a while now and I’ve learned a decent bit about it over the years.
My passion for physics has been growing ever since I first discovered in high school that, actually, physics can be wonderfully interesting if you understand it. But that’s ONLY if you actually understand it.
After I realized that I actually could understand physics and really learn things if I just put in the effort, I’ve fallen in love with learning more and more.
Since then, I’ve found out that self-studying is the perfect way to learn for me personally since it helps develop so many useful skills, such as critical thinking and having to reflect on your own learning strategies and thought processes.

Part of the reason why I created this site is to build the most helpful resource for self-studying physics, but partly also because it helps me to learn.
The best way to learn something is by explaining it to others, so this website is also a way to track my self-studying journey and hopefully help anyone who is in the same boat.
Now, I am not a professional physicist nor is this website meant to be an academic platform in any way.
I’m currently studying electrical engineering myself (with a minor in quantum technology), but I’ve always loved learning theoretical physics -oriented concepts as a hobby in my free time. That’s also why this website exists!
When it comes to physics, I’ve always been someone who appreciates learning physics for the sake of learning physics and this website is primarily aimed at those who feel the same way and want to study on their own terms.
However, I personally believe that this is exactly what makes this website so helpful – I know exactly what it takes to self-study physics and if that’s your goal as well, I can probably relate to you better than most professional physicists could.
That being said, what I write on this website is always going to be carefully thought out and researched beforehand to ensure that it’s actually correct information.

To contact me about anything, you can email me at ville@profoundphysics.com. I get a fair bit of emails and cannot always answer all of them, but I’ll try!
You can also find me on LinkedIn here. I mostly use LinkedIn for my electrical engineering studies and endeavours, but feel free to connect with me there!
About Cameron Bunney
Cameron used to be a co-author with me here but due to wanting to focus on his PhD, he doesn’t write for Profound Physics anymore.
I’m including this section here, because you’ll find Cameron mentioned as a co-author in some of the articles and credit should be given to him for that role in those articles.